The grocery store shelves are full of the cleaning products you’ve used for years. The ones your parents and grandparents used are there, too.
And they work great!
So why bother purchasing new ingredients, measuring them, mixing them, and storing them when you can just grab something pre-made off the shelf?
WHY go to the effort of GREEN CLEANING?
We already discussed many of the toxins found in various cleaners when we focused on reducing toxic load. Many commercial cleaners are bad for people, animals, and the environment. “Use only in well-ventilated areas?” “Open windows during use?” Sounds like that can’t be good for you . . . and it’s not!
There are many ways to clean while using harmless ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, castile soap, and/or water. And it can be easy, too.
How easy? A simple solution of vinegar and water can be all you need to create a natural, safe, effective cleaning solution. Then just add your favorite cleansing Essential Oils and you can clean without fear of exposing your family to toxic chemicals.
Some of the best oils to clean with include Melaleuca, Peppermint, Lemon (and other Citruses), Oregano, and Eucalyptus, although many others offer cleansing properties and other appealing aromas.
• 30 drops of Essential Oils that have cleansing/purifying properties
• Vinegar
• Water
Place Essential Oils in an 250ml spray bottle. Add 1–2 tbsp. Vinegar. Top with water. Shake and spray.